ADHD and Attorney Wellness
Unmanaged ADHD can lead to depression, anxiety and substance abuse. By educating the profession about ADHD and de-stigmatizing it, we can improve attorney wellness.
Honoring a Mentor
In honor of Black History Month, I offer this memory of one of my first mentors in the legal profession, Akim Gursel,...
ADHD Lawyers and Their Superpowers
Building on your strengths is the best strategy for success for the ADHD lawyer. This blog identifies three strengths and how they can make the lawyer with ADHD shine.
3 Tips for the ADHD Lawyer Working from Home
Working from home presents challenges for lawyers with ADHD and some of them are harder to overcome than others. As I...
How to Talk to your Parents about Coronavirus
You probably have all you can handle with COVID-19, working from home and social distancing—that is until your parents...
Five Things that Being a Successful Attorney has Taught Me About Success 1. Have your own vision of success It’s a...
Answers to Three Frequently Asked Questions About Attorney Wellness
Let’s take a different perspective on wellness and look at it as the end result of living a life where you take care...
Power of Positive Feedback
First time managers often have difficulty providing positive feedback to their subordinates (and former peers) because...
Lessons Learned from Managing a Perfectionist
Imagine this: you are put in charge of a team that is charged with handling a moderately complex matter for a client...