The prospect of job loss is tough on everyone, and it is particularly difficult for government lawyers with ADHD. Here are four tips to help you deal with this stress.
Don’t go it alone
Get support. You’ll need a team to support you through this challenging time. If you haven’t connected with your coworkers, this is a great time to do so. For some people with ADHD, social interactions can be difficult. One good way to connect to others is to ask how they are doing and if there is anything you can do to help. Everyone appreciates sincere kindness. In addition to co-workers, reach out to friends, loved ones, family, therapists, coaches or others in your community for support. Remember that people generally are disposed to help others. The more supportive people you can connect with the better.
Self Care
You are under a lot of stress. The chronic stress of going day to day wondering if or when you will lose your job takes an enormous toll on your ability to function. Add to that, the acute stress you experience when you receive emails about “a fork in the road” or demanding that you list 5 things that you accomplished last week, and you’re experiencing ADHD Overwhelm. The best way to build resilience is to take care of yourself by trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, exercising, eating in a healthy way, meditating and doing things that bring you joy.
Be Proactive
Take an inventory of your strengths. (If you are wondering what your strengths are, take the VIA Character Survey. It’s free and confidential.) What do you do well? What skills do you have? What interests you about your job? How does this job align with your values? Start to consider the possibility of life after the government. What would a positive reality look like? Imagine a reality in which you are working in an area that aligns with your strengths, talents, skills, interests, and values. What could you do now to prepare for that possibility?
Prepare for emergencies by getting your finances in shape
Emergency preparedness is a good thing. Fortunately, the ADHD brain can easily imagine the worst case scenario. Imagine that you lost your job. Are you financially prepared for that possibility? If not, here are a couple of things you can do now: don’t take on any more debt (stop using your credit cards); if you don’t need it now, don’t buy it and; start saving and/or paying off as much of your debt as you can.
Many of us joined the federal government (or took government adjacent jobs) out of a desire to help others and now that dream job may be at risk. This is not a you issue, it’s not about your performance, it’s something outside of your control. The best way to deal with it is to take control of what you can control: your health and well-being. These 4 tips will help you get started to deal with these challenging times.